Archives for posts with tag: Bridget Herbert

I wish to commend you, Mr Prime Minister, for the great job you are doing in improving Albania. Also I would like to praise you for the commitment that you and your government have shown in undertaking the celebration of our Independence Day on November 28th.

I am an Albanian citizen who currently lives abroad and would like to bring to your attention a name that was erased from Albania’s memory during the Communist regime. This forgotten name is that of Colonel Aubrey Herbert. He was an English aristocrat, an MP and an Colonel in the British army during the First World War.

I would like to list some of the great historic moments in which this noble gentleman was involved. Firstly, that of Albanian Independence. Under his personal influence and support Albania managed to become a member of the League Nations on 17 December, 1920. This was the greatest achievement for a country which had, until then, never been recognised by Western Powers as independent.

Colonel Herbert had two big barriers to overcome in his work for Albania, during which Albania’s very existence was at risk.

Firstly, the complete ignorance of foreign diplomats and politicians about Albanians.
Secondly, the conflict between Albanians’ interests, and those of the rest of the Balkans against Albanians.

Aubrey Herbert, with his intelligence as a politician and the love he had for Albanians, in a speech given in June 1914, challenged the House of Commons and the up-to-then followed policies of the British Foreign Ministry of the Britain to start following romantic-liberal principles. The romantic-liberal principle was to give support small nations and nations that were victimised by not receiving support from western powers. In one of the speeches he gave in Parliament, he insisted that Britain protected a nation that was fighting to protect its language and liberty. He continued his speech, arguing for the principle of equality, saying “the same sympathy should be extended to Albania as has been extended to other countries of the Balkans.”

Colonel Herbert was close to Albanians and a champion of the Albanian cause from the first moment he met them. In another speech in Parliament he says, “You can rely upon him when an Albanian has given his word; you can repose confidence in his honour as you would in the good faith of an English officer.” He was the greatest friend of Albanians from 1912-1924.

Dear Kryeminister, I would like to add that, not only was his contribution key to Albanian Independence, but even his family assisted Albania through humanitarian support. His family and his mother helped to save hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Albanians from hunger and illness. His son Auberon Herbert was one of those who helped people in exile from Eastern European countries, including Albanians. His daughter Bridget Herbert, who died in 2004, kept open house for Albanians.

His family kept his dream going until 1943. His mother and his wife, in his memory, founded the Albanian Relief Fund, which was to help in the welfare of the people and to support different projects in Albania. This association helped in building and supplying the hospital in Vlore and started bonification of marshlands in order to reduce the number of people falling ill with malaria.

The Herbert name was well known in Albania. A village was even created under the name Herbert, where Kosovo refugees lived in May 1925. Lady Carnarvon created the Library in Tirana and named it after Aubrey Herbert in 1929. Edith Durham, who worked together with Herbert in the Albanian cause, said “you can’t find a name with more prestige than Herbert”. His wife Mary Herbert created an organisation under the name of the Anglo-Albanian Association, to replace the Albanian Committee for which Aubrey was the chairman.

I would like to end this letter, Mr Prime Minister, with a a paragraph which is maybe rather sad, but let’s hope that time is the best medication to heal the most painful of wounds! Colonel Herbert came to Vlore in September, 1913. One day a crowd of people went to his lodgings and started crying “Oh Paladin of Liberty, our grandsons will bless your name.” He was very touched by this and wrote to his brother, “Albanians are saying that their grandsons will bless my name.” As we all know now, the Albanians that promised him that were not in the position to remember his name afterwards because the Communist regime erased everything that he and his family had done. Perhaps the coming celebration of the Independence of Albania of this November would enable us to keep the promise made to him ninety-nine years ago. The Albanians who made that promise to him loved the liberty he helped to win for them, and their grandson today must hear his name again.  If, they heard of his exploits then it would be forever carved in the hearts of every Albanian, wherever they are today.Thus, Colonel Herbert’s name should never be erased from the hearts of a nation that he loved until the day he died.


                                          I dashur President!

Do te deshiroja, te te pergezoja, per punen tende individuale, dhe angazhimin e plote te Qeverise tuaj ne punen e madhe qe po beni ne cuarjen e Shqiperise perpara. Po ashtu i dashur President, do te pergezoja per angazhimin tuaj personalisht ne lidhje me Festen e Madhe te Dites se Pavaresise me 28 Nendor.

Si nje qytetare e Shqiperise qe jeton larg saje, doja te permendja nje emer qe u fshi nga kujtesa e Shqiptareve gjate regjimit Komunist. Ky emer i harruar eshte, Kolonel Aubrey Herbert, nje anglez  aristokrate, Deputet ne Parlamentin Agleze dhe Kolonel qe mori pjese ne Luften e Pare Boterore. Une doja te deshiroja te sillja disa momente historike per vemendjen tuaj, ku ky njeri fisnike u perfshi ne ngjarjen me te shenuar te vendit tone, Shpalljen e Pavaresise. Kolonel Herbert nder te tjerash, ku influenca e tije personale, mundesoje qe Shqiperia  te behej anetare e Kombeve te Bashkuara me, 17 Dhjetor 1920. Shqiperia ishte nje nga vendet e para, qe u be anetare e nje organizate nderkombetare, e cila nuk kishte marre njohje diplomatike si vend i pavarur ne arenen nderkombetare.

Kolonel Herbert, ne punen e tije per Shqiperine ju desh te kapercente, dy barriera te medha ne ato vite delikate kur ekzistenca e vendit tone, ishte ne diskutim. E para : Injoranca totale e diplomateve dhe  politikaneve, rreth cdo aspekti te Shqiptareve. E dyta- Interesat e kunderta ne Balkan, kundrejt interesave Shqiptare.

Ai me zgjuaresine dhe energjite e tije si politikane, dhe nga ana tjeter dashuria per Shqiptaret ne nje fjalim te tije ne  Qershor 1914, sfidoj traditen e Parlamentit Britanike kundrejte politikes se ndjekur deri atehere nga Ministria e Jashtme Britanike, duke ndjekur nje qendrim romantik-liberal. Ky qendrim ishte per perkrahjen e popujve te vegjel, ose popujve qe ishin viktim, si pasoje e mos- pasjes  mbeshtetje nderkombetare. Ne fjalimin e tije ne Parlamentin Angleze ai insistonte, ne mbrojtjen e nje populli, qe po luftonte te mbronte gjuhen dhe lirine e vete. Duke diskutuar parimin e barazise ai thote: Ne anglezet duhet te jemi te gezuar, qe parimi i Barazise do te aplikohet ne Shqiperi, ashtu si eshte aplikuar, ne vende te tjera te Balkanit.

Kolonel Herbert ishte teper i lidhur me Shqiptaret, qe ne momentin e pare qe ai ra ne kontakt me ta, gjate jetes se tije. Ai thote keshtu ne nje fjalim tjeter ne Parlament: Ju mund te mbeshteteni ne premtimin e Shqiptarit kur ai te jep fjalen. Ju mund te besoni ne traditen e tije, ashtu si mund te ti besosh nje oficer Angleze. Kolonel Herbert ishte miku me i madhe i Shqiperise gjate viteve 1912-1924.

I dashur President une do te deshiroja te shtoja qe, jo vetem ky njeri kontriboj ne krijimin e Shqiperise por, ai dhe familja e tije ka kontribuar, dhe ne aspektin humanitare. Ai dhe familja e tije, perfshi ketu edhe nenen e tije,  ka ndihmuar Shqiptaret, duke shpetuar qindra dhe mijere njerez ne ato vite te veshtira nga semundjet dhe uria. Djali i tije Auberon Herbert, ishte nje nga njerezit qe ndihmonte njerez te arratisur nga vendet ish-komuniste perfshi ketu, edhe Shqiptare. Vajza e tije Bridget Herbert e cila ka vdekur me 2004, e mbante te hapur shtepine e saje per Shqiptaret.

Po ashtu Zoti  President, do te shtoja disa kontribute te familjes se tije deri ne vitin 1943. Nena e Kolonel Herbert dhe gruaja e tije, krijoj ne kujtim te tije, nje shoqate qe quhej Shoqata e Ndihmave per Shqiperine e cila kishte si qelllim mireqenien e popullit, dhe mebeshtetjen e projekteve ne Shqiperine e sapo krijuar. Kjo shoqate, ndihmoje ne ndertimin, dhe pajisjen me mjete te spitalit te Vlores, dhe filloj bonifikimin e kenetave, me qellim qe te zvogelonte numrin e njerezve te semure nga malarja.

Emri i Kolonel Herbert ne ato vite ishte i mirenjohur ne Shqiperi. Nje fshat u formua, ne veri te Kavajes to strehonte refugjatet Kosovare ne Maj 1925 me emrin Herbert.  Lady Carnarvon krijoj Librarin me emrin Herbert ne Tirane, me 1929. Edith Durham e cila punoje bashke me Aubrey Herbert per ceshtjen e Shqiperise tha: Ju nuk mund te  gjeni nje emer me prestigjioz ne Shqiperi se Herbert. Gruaja e tije Mary Herbert me 1943, formoj nje shoqate me emrin Anglo-Albanian- Association, per te zevendsuar Komitetin Shqiptare ne Londer, ku Aubrey Herbert kishte qene, kryetari i ketije Komiteti.

Dua te ta mbylle kete leter Zoti President, duke shtuar nje paragraph, ku mesazhi eshte i trishtueshem, por koha eshte sheruesi me i mire, i plageve me te dhimbshme. Kolonel Herbert shkoj ne Vlore me 1913, Shtator. Ate dite, nje grupe i madh njerezish, ishin mbledhur atje ku ai jetonte, dhe filluan te therrisnin, ‘ Oh Mbreti I Lirise, niperit tone kurre  nuk do te harrojne emrin tend’.  Kolonel Herbert ishte prekur shume nga kjo ngjarje dhe i shkruan vellait te tije : Shqiptaret dhe niperit e tyre kurre nuk do te harrojne emrin tim. Por ashtu si ne te gjithe tashme e dime,  Shqiptaret qe i premtuan atije ” i perjetshem  emri Herbert” nuk munden sepse emeri i tije  nuk e permend me gjate 50-vjeteve te shemtuara, te periudhes komuniste. Ndoshta, Festa a Madhe e ketije Nendori do te mbaje kete premtim,  qe i eshte bere atije personalisht 99 vjete te shkuara dhe sterniperit atyre Shqiptareve liridashes te atyre viteve, do te degjojne emrin e tije, dhe kurre nuk do te fshihet nga kujtesa e ketije kombi qe Herbert deshte aq shume  deri ne diten e fundit te jetes se tije.

Do te isha shume e interesuar, te degjoja nga ju, nese ju e keni konsideruar kontributin kryesor te Kolonel Herbert ne njohjen e Shqiperise si vend i pavarur ne ato vite teper te veshtira per ne, ne kete Feste te Madhe te Kombit Shqiptare. Une mendoje, qe ky eshte momenti i cili, emri i ketije fisniku te madhe duhet te skalitet ne zemrat e te gjithe Shqiptareve  kudo qe ate jetojne sot. Po ashtu, i dashur President, nje angazhim i tille do te cimentoje, marredheniet me nje vend te madhe si Britania.

Nje kopje e kesaje letre do te dergohet me email dy familjareve te Kolonel Herbert , Daisy Vough dhe Alexander Vough ( sternip dhe mbesa e tije). Nje kopje do te ti dergohet Zotit Kryeminster Berisha. Nje kopje tjeter do te ti dergohet Ambasades Agnleze ne Tirane.